Thursday 25 June 2009

for the time being...zatiaľ...ZATVÁRAME....

už je to tu...zajtra letime tak nezostava cas na preklad mojich "postov" z anglictiny...nuz, slubujem ze ked sa vratim, pokusim sa prelozit vsetko (dolezite) aby ste nezostavali pozadu...zatial pozerajte pekne fotky :) alebo sa mozte ucit po anglicky :) ...v kazdom pripade...tato Slovenska verzia blogu bude na chvilocku (minimalne 7 tyzdnov) bez zmeny.

you can follow all updates here:

Tuesday 2 June 2009

MandM´s týfus a batikované tričko

dnes bol dlhý deň, ale užila som si každú sekundu :) ...očkovanie, playing with little angel (our teacher´s daughter) all afternoon and it was quite sunny ... and Iwas wearing my tye-died t-shirt (which I made few years ago when I was a "water fairy" during "Fairy tale forest" - one local action for kids :) ...and finally I´ve sent my hair to locks of love...and I gave my teacher all school books then borrowed us for this year :P so it was really long and successful day
good night everybody, I´m off to bed :)